Year 3 Swimming guidance letter- Click Here

Welcome to Year 3! Miss Keaveney is the class teacher, who is supported by Mrs Fox.

Year 3 will be working very hard this year, but will have lots of fun, too. We will be historians and scientists, mathematicians and writers, artists and speakers of French!

The transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 can be challenging but your children are thriving  and we are very proud of them and their hard work!

To support their learning this year, School have recently purchased a new online learning platform known as Learning By Questions (LBQ). Year 3 will begin using this platform during this half term and will eventually be able to access their homework activities on the platform – you will be informed when this begins.


Each Friday, your child will be sent home with a piece of homework and spellings. These are expected back by the following Friday at the latest. The maths homework will link closely to what we have been learning in class that week. Homework helps the children to develop independent problem solving skills and helps the children to consolidate what has been learned in lessons. The children will have a spelling test on a Friday. The children will be sent home with any spellings they have got incorrect – just for extra practise!

As well as supporting with their LBQ home learning, we also ask that you keep up with hearing your child read at home, at least three times a week. Reading books will be taken in whenever it has been read and these books will be changed. Reading is monitored and if a child has not completed any reading within the week, they will do so in their own time at school.

We have found a VERY strong correlation between those children who read regularly at home and those children who achieve higher scores in their reading assessments. Reading expands children’s knowledge of words and their understanding of different genres of writing. This in turn, helps them with their reading comprehension.

Children who read a lot at home, are also more able to use their reading experiences to help their writing – they have more ideas and are more familiar with different grammar structures, vocabulary and spelling. This is a very important skill to have.

TTRockstars is also available for children to use to become more confident as well as fluent. Children who are confident with their times tables often find it easier to grasp other maths concepts; not just multiplication, but division, fractions, ratio, algebra etc. Even if your child knows their times tables, it is important that they still practise on TTRockstars, so that they are quick as well as confident.


This is a friendly reminder of how important it is that your child attends school. We will be learning lots of new concepts this half term as well as revisiting previous learning. Even being absent for a couple of days could mean that full topics are missed. Children who are absent for long periods find it difficult to catch up with things that they have missed, and regular absences mean that topics are never being fully covered, which leads to gaps in your child’s knowledge.

A reminder of Key Information for Year 3:

The day starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.30pm.

Please ensure your child arrives promptly so that they don’t miss anything.

Monday – swimming TBC

Tuesday – children are to come in PE kits for the whole day. Their PE kit consists of a blue school PE T-shirt and maroon shorts. Pupils are welcome to wear dark-coloured (navy blue or black) tracksuit bottoms / leggings over their shorts during the colder months.

They can wear their school jumper for extra warmth over their t-shirt if needed. They do not need to bring an extra hoodie / jumper. Children will need trainers / pumps for PE. They are not allowed to wear trainers on any day other than their PE day. Jewellery is also not permitted.

Thursday – Please ensure your child has read, completed any homework and spellings.

Friday – Homework and spellings will be given out. We will also have a spelling test based on the previous week’s spellings.

Please support your child to complete all homework activities.


Children will be given a reading book to read at home. They need to have their Reading Records signed by a parent or carer each time they have read at home. It is expected that children in Year 3 read their book 3 times.  Reading Records will be monitored daily and if a pupil has not handed in a signed Reading Record by the end of each week, they will be asked to do some reading in class during their free time during the week.

My Happy Mind:

Your child’s wellbeing is important to us and we have started an amazing scheme to educate and support them with understanding their big emotions. This term we are learning about our relationships with others and how positive relationships can improve our mental health and well-being.

Year 3 Timetable

Weblinks for Children

Read some fabulous books free online at:

Practise your times tables with some free online games:

Keep up to date with important news at: Organisers to support your child’s learning:

Upcoming Events

Parent’s Conference – Week beginning: Monday 22nd April 2024

Longendale Quarry Trip : Monday 15th July 2024

Transition Day(s): Thursday 4th July 2024