Welcome to Reception! The Teacher in Reception is Mrs Grimes supported by Mrs Rose.
In Nursery and Reception we have a happy, stimulating environment where children feel valued, safe and motivated to learn. Each individual child is at the centre of everything we do.
We are an accredited Communication Friendly School, providing tailored interventions to enable our children to develop their communication skills across all areas of our provision. Alongside this, upon entry children are language assessed using the WellComm framework and planned for accordingly, enabling them to fast-track their communication skills in small structured groups.
Children are supported and challenged in their learning by Objective-Led Planning. Objective-Led Planning enables the children to learn through their areas of interests without interrupting their play. Our experienced practitioners engage in individual play and enhance the learning and outcomes by knowing where all the individual children are working and their next steps.
Our specialist music teacher from Oldham Council Music Service delivers Tune-In To Talking sessions which develops and enhances many transferable skills including concentration, listening and attention, turn-taking and overall confidence to engage in new situations.
Our bespoke curriculum is linked to specific interests, enabling our children to thrive, reach their full potential and gain a true love of learning.
8.50- Classroom doors open
9.00-9.15- Morning task and register
9.15-9.45- Phonics
9.45- Continuous provision
10.45- Maths
11.15- Lunch, then continuous provision and guided reading
1.00- Topic/ RE/ RSE/ My Happy Mind
1.15- Continuous provision (busy learning)
2.30- Fruit and milk
2.45- Drawing club, story
3.20- Home time
● Reading books given out on a Friday and returned on Wednesday.
● Books are also available online on Ecollins. https://ops.collinsopenpage.com/sso/login?service=https%3A//ebooks.collinsopenpage.com/wr/index.html&eulogin=true These books are also changed on a Friday.
● All children have their own personal login for this site. If you need another copy of your login, please speak to Mrs Grimes.
● Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week. It is very helpful for staff teaching your child to know how your child is reading at home. Please write in their reading record with a short comment.
● We encourage reading to be fun. Maybe you could visit the library with your child or read a book at bedtime. Stories are a great way to encourage language development and spark new interests for your child.
● Homework is given out on a Friday. This will be placed into your child’s school book bag. This homework is linked to the phonics work your child has been learning that week. When you have completed this homework, please verbally feedback to Mrs Grimes or Mrs Rose.
My Happy Mind:
● This term our topics will be ‘Relate; and ‘Engage’. In our ‘Relate’ module we will be working on our listening skills. In the ‘Engage’ module we will be setting goals and thinking about how we can achieve them. We will be continuing to work on our Happy Breathing throughout each module.
We love to know what the children have been doing at home. If you have any photographs of your child enjoying a particular family event, special day out or toy/ book at home, please send them in for us to celebrate with their friends.
Weblinks for Children
Always review the sites ahead of time so that you are able to help your child find the best resources available within the sites. Some offer a great number of games, songs, stories, videos etc so it is important to know the site well in order to support and develop your child’s learning.
www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies Many games, often recognised by children.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/eyfs/ Links to particular cbeebies games from areas of learning.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/laac/story/sbi.shtml The Little animals’ activity centre – stories.
www.sebastianswan.org.uk Books for reading together with links to K&U and in particular, natural science.
http://www.funwithspot.com/ New and improved! Try creating your own Spot story.
Upcoming Events
This term we are planning a visit to Blackpool Zoo. More information to follow.