
Here at Holy Family we strive to ensure that we teach our children how to stay safe online. As technology evolves it is importnat that we equip the children with the necessary knowledge for modern day life. For this reason, E-Safety is interwoven throughout our curriculum, through Computing, RSHE and PSHE.
In addition to our curriculum, in the Summer term we have a whole school Safety Week which includes E-Safety.  During this week we also hold workshops for parents to support them with online safety

Keeping your child safe online

Technolgy is very much a part of our everyday life. It provides great opportunities for children to learn, however, along with this opportunity  are risks which can impact on a child’s safety and their well being. It is vital that we work together to ensure that we educate and monitor how our children use technology. 
Some potential risks include:
  • Cyberbullying
  • Oversharing personal information
  • Online grooming
  • Sending or receiving inappropriate images
  • Trolling
  • Accessing inapprorpiate material
  • Obsessive focus on likes and comments.

All of the above can have a detrimental impact on your child’s mental health as well as their safety.

Support and Information for Parents

Keeping up to date with the latest craze and social platform can be a challenge for many adults. Below you find links to support you with guidance and information to help you monitor and control your child’s online access. Please take the time to read the information regarding Whatsapp as this platform can often be misused by children and cause worry and anxiety. The legal age for Whatsapp is 13 for this reason.  

Please click on the icons below for further information

WhatsApp – Information on this link will support you with:

  • Understanding the risks
  • Getting to know privacy settings
  • Making use of privacy settings
  • Talking about sharing
  •  Setting rules about location sharing

Snapchat – Information on this link will support you with:

  • Inappropriate or harmful content
  • Location sharing
  • Unwanted contact
  • Pressure to share
  • Pressure to chat

Youtube – Information on this will support you with:

  • Awareness of the risks, including inappropriate content, harmful language or comments and sharing of personal information. 
  •  Safety settings and features on Youtube.

Tik Tok – Information on this will support you with:

  • Understanding how the Tik Tok platform works
  •  The possible risks of using Tik Tok such as coming across inappropriate videos and being contacted privately by someone that they don’t know.
  •  Information regarding safety and privacy settings to help to keep your child safe. 

Telegram Messenger App – Information on this will support you with:

  • Understanding the app
  • Understanding potential risks to your child, such as, being able to join large groups, most of whom won’t personally know each other
  • Guidnace around privacy and safety settings
  • Advice on how to keep your child safe


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