Mini Police

The Mini Police is a GMP initiative which aims to recruit primary school students, run crime-focussed events with a strong element of learning involved, and give the students increased responsibilities within their schools and communities. This learning will then permeate throughout the respective schools and peers, harnessing a greater respect for the law and the police.

Holy Family
Mini Police Year 6

MIni Police Year 5

As part of the Attestation Ceremony the children the children made the following promise:

Mini Police Attestation

I promise to represent Greater Manchester Police and Holy Family School to the best of my ability with honesty and fairness in everything I do. I promise to always act responsibly while in and out of school. I promise to put 100% effort into each Greater Manchester Police activity. Whenever issues are reported to me, I will always inform an appropriate adult. I pledge to uphold these promises until I graduate from Holy Family and the Mini Police, and I will continue to conduct myself to the best of my ability as a Mini Police graduate throughout high school.


Upcoming Events:

10th December – Mini Police to sing at the Police Carol Service. Click here for more information.

18th December – The Mini Police will be participating in their first police event focused on road safety.