Laudato Si

Sustainability and understanding of the environment is a critical element of modern life; in order to help prepare and educate our children we have established our own Eco Club. Eco Club helps children learn more about sustainability and the environment through hands-on experiential learning, activities such as growing fruit and vegetables, recycling and reusing materials and caring for the environment help children appreciate and understand how they can make a difference in their lives.



Laudato Si is a letter from Pope Francis to us all. In his letter he encourages us all to care of our common home , the Earth.  In the letter he says, “The earth is God’s gift to us full of beauty and wonder where the fruits of the Earth belong to everyone. But what we see today is that our common home has never been so hurt and mistreated as it has been in the last 200 hundred years. Despite this all is not lost.”

Through our Eco Club we aim to teach the children about our world and how we can work together to protect it. It also provides the opportunity for the children build friendships and develop a love of nature.

Our Eco Club visited the Bee Together Community Garden at Holy Family Church to learn more about growing fruit and vegetables. 

They put this knowledge into action, planting seeds in our school polytunnel.

The children were delighted with the results!! 

Our Eco Project for September 2024

Please see below for our project this year. We have been extremely fortunate to secure funding from Saddleworth Hydro Community Ltd. You can find out about our plans from our grant application below.  Find out more about Saddleworth Hydro Community by clicking here. 


Saddleworth Hydro Sustainability Fun1