At Holy Family we take emotional health and mental well being very seriously.  Every class provides a wide range of activities that promote emotional health and mental well-being in school.

Half Term Fun

Take part in the “Joy of Moving Winter Games”. Click here to see some great activities to keep you busy and active!


Health and Well-Being at Holy Family


Oldham Council Support and Resources

The Oldham whole school and college approach to emotional health and mental wellbeing aims to promote social, emotional and mental wellbeing.

The framework offers practical guidance to schools and colleges to develop knowledge and skills to promote mental health and wellbeing and prevent minor problems from escalating into more serious long-term issues.

The document contains key actions that head teachers and college principles can take to embed the whole school approach to emotional health and mental wellbeing.

The actions are based on the eight principles.

These are:

  • The school ethos and environment
  • Curriculum, teaching and learning
  • Student voice
  • Staff development, health and wellbeing
  • Identifying need and monitoring impact
  • Working with parents / carers
  • Targeted support

Please select from the documents below or click on the picture link to access Oldham Council Wellbeing page.


External Agencies

IntraQuest  are in the process of creating some free resources for schools, parents/carers and children including a Keep Calm Kit (being released shortly), bedtime strategies for anxious children, messy play and stress busting activities for home etc… They are planning to release printable pdf’s and videos with tutorials and demonstrations and maybe even Facebook Live events for people to have direct access to our therapists.
If you would like to be part of this please sign up to our Facebook page on the following link:

Keeping our mind and body healthy.

Below please find a resource list, this includes keeping our children and young people healthy along with supporting parents, families and other professionals. 



Resources to support children​

Let’s focus on our own happiness. Take 5 minutes and look at these useful ideas. 

Happiness tree for the month – Understand how your feeling today, use your colours to mark your emotion, maybe add a reason why.- Click here

The Happy meter- How can you make your day just a little brighter? Find out by read these tips. – Click here 

Create your own happiness colouring sheet or use this example – Click here 

Happiness diary – Helps you to focus and reflect on your day ahead and perhaps the day you’ve just had. – Click here

Design your own T shirt- What makes you happy? Can you draw it ? What colours will you add? – Click here

Can you create your own happiness bookmark? Here are a few examples. Click here

Compliment cards- A compliment is a small act of kindness to brighten somebody’s day. It will make you feel better. Here are a few examples. Have you used a compliment today? How do you feel? Click Here

Look on the bright side resource- Ask an adult to read the instructions to you and create your own positive goals.

School of thought-

Make time for quality time. Explore the world together at home.
We believe that all children benefit from spending quality time with their parents – connecting and having conversations about the things that really matter.

This focus is on the importance of relationships.

Mindfulness Challenge cards- Being aware of our body and mind and the word around us. Can you try a card daily?