Holy Family R C Primary School monitors the time and attendance of every child in our school.
School opens at 8.50am and the register is taken at 9am.
School ends at 3pm.
It is essential that your child arrives at school on time to ensure that they do not miss out on learning.
We work in partnership with our local School Education Welfare Officer to support families who fall below our expected level of 96% attendance.
We expect all children to be a HERO!
H Here
E Everyday
R Ready to Learn
O On time
Once your child is registered at school, you are legally responsible for making sure that they attend regularly and on time. If you fail to do this, you are at risk of receiving a penalty notice or being prosecuted. Poor attendance will have a negative impact upon the following:
• their learning
• their friendships
• their self-esteem and confidence.
Our school’s target for this academic year is at least 96%.
School opens at 8.50, ready for learning at 8.55. A child arriving late could miss a vital part of the teachers input for the day. This will have a negative impact on their learning.
If your child is absent from school for any reason, you must ring school with an explanation as to why. This must be done every day of absence. We will text you with an update on your child’s attendance percentage. This is to support you with a clear view of where your child’s attendance is on the ‘at least 96% expected scale’.
This is also a safeguarding exercise to let parents know that their child is not present in school.
Support and Advice.
We run a breakfast club every morning to support you getting your child into school on time. Please see breakfast club page for further details.
If you require any support or advice regarding attendance or punctuality, please contact the main office to arrange an appointment to see Mrs. Booth or Mrs. Grimshaw
Holidays taken outside of term time will be unauthorised and will result in a fine.