Our Governing Body

As a school that is part of the Emmaus Catholic trust, our Governors form a local governing board (LGB) within the multi-academy trust.

The LGB is a subcommittee of the Trust.

The existence of the LGB supports the Trust’s ethos and the aligned autonomy of the school.

The Governors are made up of various groups including:

  • Foundation Governors (representing the Bishop)
  • Parent Governors
  • Staff Governors
  • Associate Governors

Role of a School Governor

 Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop    

Parent and Staff Governors are Elected . Associate Governors are invited to join the LGB for their expertise.

Terms of office as per the Trust Scheme of Delegation.  Responsibilities include:


  • Appointing and dismissing staff


  • Setting the Admission Policies


  • Establishing and monitoring the curriculum


  • Health and Safety


  • Safeguarding


And many other areas determined by the Trust. These can be found on the Emmaus website under the section Policies/Scheme of Delegation.


Click below to find out about the Trust Board and Committees at Emmaus CAT.


Please click on the picture link at access Oldham Council's information and guidance for School Governance.
Becoming a Governor Leaflet

Our Governing Body

Mrs Anne Ostmeier

Mrs Sarah MunroImage Silhouette

Mrs Margaret Kane

Father Celestine

Mr Peter O’Brien

Mrs Leanne Ordano

Mr Mike Aston

Mrs Alison Tunnicliffe

Mrs Samantha Needle

Governor Attendance for 2024/25 and Roles and Responsibilities:

Governor Attendance for 2023/24 and Roles and Responsibilities:

HF list-of-governors-2023-24


Safeguarding, Looked After Children  and Prevent Duty

Financial Health and Efficiency

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Closing the Gap for Pupil Premium and EAL Learners. 

Health and Safety in Education

Emotional Health, Well-being and Welfare


Early Years Foundation Stage

Curriculum: Religious Education, RSHE, PSHE and PE.

Curriculum: English, Art, DT and Music

Curriculum: Maths, Computing and MFL

Curriculum : Science 

Curriculum: History and Geography 

Governor Induction, Training and Mentoring

Name of Governor

Mrs Anne Ostmeier

Mrs Anne Ostmeier

Mrs Sarah Munro

Mrs Sarah Munro

Mr Peter O’Brien and Mr Mike Aston

Mrs Sarah Munro

Mrs Anne Ostmeier

Mrs Margaret Kane

Mrs Maragaret Kane

Mrs Sarah Munro

Mrs Anne Ostmeier

Mr Mike Aston

Mr Peter O’Brien