A guide for absence during COVID 19 – Click Here
Gain a healthy routine with your children whilst at home- Follow this link for guidance and information – Click Here
An example of a completed routine- Click Here.
Support for challenging behaviour during Lockdown- Click here
Support for maintaining positive relationships with children –Click Here
Building resilience and supporting your child from home- Support from Bounce forward, Oldham, offering free courses – Click here
Supporting Your Child During The Coronavirus Pandemic- Click here
Local support from Oldham- I Love Oldham Facebook Click here
Coronavirus and mental health- Click here
CAHMS support – Click here
Guidance for parents and carers on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
Coronavirus (COVID-19): an easy-read guide to looking after your feelings and your body
Adult Support
‘From tiny acorns, great forests grow.’
IntraQuest are in the process of creating some free resources for schools, parents/carers and children including a Keep Calm Kit (being released shortly), bedtime strategies for anxious children, messy play and stress busting activities for home etc… They are planning to release printable pdf’s and videos with tutorials and demonstrations and maybe even Facebook Live events for people to have direct access to our therapists.
If you would like to be part of this please sign up to our Facebook page on the following link: https://www.facebook.com/IntraQuestCIC/
A list of useful links for parents of children with SEN during isolation. Thought it might help:
Resource Link
- Videos to explain SEN by category- https://www.sendgateway.org.uk/whole-school-send/find-wss-resources/nqt-videos.html
- Information about coronavirus and calming activities for children presenting with anxiety https://epicleics.com/epic/home-learning?jjj=1587191769719
- Ideas for help with Speech, Language and communication https://speechandlanguage.info/parents
- Free app / website on calming activities for children- https://www.healios.org.uk/services/thinkninja1
- A visual instruction app, including flash cards and picture-choosing games, for children with autism and special needs. http://www.brainparade.com/products/see-touch-learn-free/
- A collection of games and resources designed for a range of educational needs and stages. It includes provision for school closure. https://www.sensoryapphouse.com/
- An all-in-one app created to support people with communication and learning difficulties. For verbal and non-verbal learners. https://www.visuals2go.com/
A guide to help parents adjust to remote learning by providing advice and links to resources. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/ioe/depa